CUSTOMER COMPLAINT SETTLEMENT SCHEME (CCSS) FOR THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRYChina-Hong Kong Telecom Ltd has participated in the Customer Complaint Settlement Scheme (hereinafter referred to as "CCSS").The CCSS is a mediation scheme set up by the telecommunications industry to help resolve billing disputes in deadlock between customers and their telecommunications service providers.The mediation service is provided by an agency set up under the Communications Association of Hong Kong, an industry association representing the communications sector in Hong Kong.For further information on the CCSS, please call the CCSS hotline at 21809521 or visit the CCSS website at
Notice: PCCW 2G network will be closedSince the PCCW network has been upgraded to 5G, the existing 2G network will be closed immediately. Old 2G mobile phones will not be used on the PCCW network. Please upgrade your mobile phone. Please note. Affected customers: CHKT customers who use the PCCW network and 2G old mobile phones.
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